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Colo River - not far to go now

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robbycar's picture
Colo River - not far to go now

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Geez its looking good. A lot

Geez its looking good. A lot of hard work gone into it. Cant wait for it to open.

wazza's picture
Colo River

Folks need to realize this is one man some relations and friends that have done this work absolutely unbelievable work. I wish him the very best
and hope it is a winner for you Peter I really do,


chrisjon65's picture
Hard grind

As Wazza stated this has been an incredible hard slog for Pete and his family .
Most don’t realise how hard .
I don’t think most realise this is a labour of love for benchrest .
The monetary returns on running a range are nothing compared to the money and time they have spent .
To do something like this in Australia with the attitude towards firearms owners should be commended.

John B
John B's picture
Great effort

Brilliant work Peter, It's looking really good. Hope to see a huge turnout at the opening.

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