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Craig Whittleton

Where do you live and what is your home range?

I live in Wellard WA and shoot at Jarrahdale

When did you first start benchrest?

Doug Barnes 2001 was my first registered match

What was your first BR rifle?

Remington action McMillan stock

When did you get your first HOF point?

My first nationals 2003 Sydney H/V 200

What year did you qualify?

2007 Melbourne

Where do you shoot most?

Jarrahdale it’s the only benchrest range in W.A

Which ranges do you like and dislike and why?

I like all ranges, it’s my favorite pastime travelling to different ranges, meeting different people and shooting in every possible condition

Which matches do you like most each year?

Nationals and Australia Day, lots of people lots of good shooting

Have you shot overseas, when, where, how did you go?

No But going to the super shoot in 2008

What is your current equipment?

Bat DS, Kelby SPG, March Scope, Jewell Trigger, Krieger Barrels

What is your philosophy for benchrest?

Trust yourself, if you believe in yourself half the jobs done, listen to the top shooters and take in what you think is right, every one has a style find yours and go with it.

What advise would you give to new shooters?

Learn how to read wind flags they are the most important things on a bench rest range. Buy as many barrels as you can afford and don’t be scared to throw the bad ones out, you will only waste good powder and pills on them.

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