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Ammo testing syndicate

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Ammo testing syndicate

I would like to test a range of Eley Tenex direct from Nioa that has not yet been picked over (hopefully).
The plan will be to order a number of test lots by the brick in a range of speeds and machines and take these to the range to find a lot that suits my rifle.
The problem is it gets expensive buying test lots by the brick, I wish we had service like the USA shooters have access to.
So my current idea is to try and put a syndicate of shooters together to work together to share costs and results. I shoot in Sydney at either western sydney or sisc. Due not not being able to post ammo around, syndicate members might have to be from around Sydney.
Anyone interested?
Regards Brett Wilson

Knighty's picture

Sounds good Brett and is a positive move. I hope you find some people you can work with mate.

Calm and Relentless

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