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My membership paid

Hi Rob, I'm glad and very happy to be a member of this bulletin and thank you very mach for your hard work done to keep this working so eficient for shooting Australia. My membership is all ready paid and need to know my member # Congratulation and well done mate.


Hey guys living in Boggabri looking for comps in the area can anyone help?

Benchrest Rimfire Wind Reading

Can anyone recommend where I can get some guidance on reading wind flags for 50 & 100 meter rimfire bench rest?


Does anyone know if there is a moderator for Benchrest Bulletin?

Is there a future for Rimfire BR

What is the future of rimfire BR,
After taking our 13 year old son to the last shoot where he was dissapointed .
-Charged the same entry fee as senior shooters
-There was only 2 juniors that competed .
- travelled 4 hours each way.
-supported the canteen all day .
-We both shot 3 classes .
-cost our family a few hundred dollars.

New RWS R50

Many Thanks

Many Thanks on behalf of the three Duval Rifle Team students to all the inspirational competitors whose encouragement and friendliness towards our kids was outstanding and very much appreciated at the Nationals at Coffs. Tiff ,Lachie and Karlos thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I am sure you will all agree their conduct and attitude is not only great representation for their school but indeed themselves. I am extremely proud of all three regardless of their results.

Rimfire Expedition

A couple of people have sent me private messages about the things I recently posted about rimfire.

Rather than answer all these, I have decided to add a blog about my experiences with rimfire.

First off, I went along to the Hunter Nationals at Silverdale to help in the canteen. I had never shot hunter, and to be honest, was not planning on shooting it!

I did shoot rimfire a long time ago and I did win the NSW state event twice, but that was the days when a worked Brno could be competitive!

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