I’ve been thinking for quite sometime now, how we can modernise benchrest score, adding air rifle into the sport also making a challenging event of adding 100m/yd IRB style target, these are my ideas below. Please feel free to comment, your thoughts, or what you like to see.
Modern Benchrest Score
(Changes for the future of sport)
Firearm Classes
Air Class:
- Heavy Air (Unlimited Scope and unlimited energy, tank tethering allowed)
- Light Air (25m match only, unlimited scope & max 12lb energy)
Rimfire Class:
- Heavy Rimfire (Scope Unlimited) (3” max stock width)
- Light Rimfire (Scope 6.5x max magnification) (2.25” max stock width)
Centerfire Class:
- Light Varmint - max calibre 6mm (.243) Scope unlimited, 3inch max stock width
- Heavy Varmint - max calibre 7.62mm (.30) Scope unlimited, 3inch max stock width
Air & Rimfire:
25 scoring roundels
- 100yd/100m (New designed target, each roundel 5 rings & double the dimension of 50m target)
- 50m (Current IRB target)
- 25m (Use current IRB target)
5 scoring roundels
- 100yd current target
- 200yd current target
National & State Championship
4 day event (1 day per firearm class) plus 2 practice days.
Air rifle and Rimfire:
4 targets a day. Single target total of 250.25 & 4 target total of 1000.100
10 targets a day 5 at each distance. Single target total 50.5, yardage total 250.25 and class total 500.50
National & State Championships event schedule
Day 1 - 25m Light Air rifle
Day 2 - 50m Heavy Air rifle
Day 3 - 50m Light Rimfire
Day 4 - 50m Heavy Rimfire
Extreme Air/Rimfire & Centrefire
Day 1 - 100yd Heavy Air
Day 2 - 100yd Heavy Rimfire
Day 3 - 100yd/200yd Light Centrefire
Day 4 - 100yd/200yd Heavy Centrefire
Awards & Patches
SSAA Medals:
- Single target Highest Score medal
- 4 target total score (1st, 2nd, 3rd place medal)
- Centrefire 1st, 2nd, 3rd medal for each yd and combined total.
Multigun SSAA Medals: (1st, 2nd & 3rd)
- 2 Gun Rimfire
- 2 Gun AirRifle
- 4 Gun Air & Rimfire (25m/50m)
- 2 Gun Extreme Air/Rimfire
- 2 Gun Centrefire
- 4 Gun Extreme Air/Rimfire & Centrefire
National Shields:
- Air rifle master shield (3 class total winner)
- Rimfire master shield (3 class total winner)
- Centerfire master shield (2 class total winner)
- Grand Benchrest Score Master (8 class total winner)
National/State Patches:
- Top 10 in each class event (Air/Rimfire)
- Top 10 in combined total of 100yd/200yd total score
- Top 10 in each multi gun class
National/State Speciality Patches:
Air & Rimfire class
- 250 score patch (One 250 target total), called 1/4 tonne patch
- 500 score patch (Two 250 target total), called 1/2 tonne patch
- 750 score patch (Three 250 target total), called 3/4 tonne patch
- 1000 score patch (Four 250 target target total) called 1 tonne patch
Centrefire class
- 250 score patch (single distance total), called 1/4 tone patch
- 500 score patch (dual distance total), called 1/2 tonne patch
- 1000 score patch (dual class & distance total) 1 tonne patch
Zone/Club level development for benchrest
Use current 100yd/200yd score targets using existing rules.
Rifle classes:
- Any production rimfire rifle chambered .22lr
- Light Production Rifle - .223rem or .243win chambered rifles
- Heavy Production Rifle - any calibre not exceeding .30cal bullet size.
All rifles to be in factory configuration from manufacturer. Rifles must be fired off a front bipod and a pliable rear bag. Max scope power of 25x magnification, triggers can adjusted lighter. No muzzle breaks or barrel tuners allowed.
Any rifle that has an aftermarket trigger or barrel will be considered in Production class open.
I know some people might not have access to posting on forum I’m happy to receive responses via email.
New target 100m IRB style target, printed on A1 paper size.
Orange & Medium Blue is great for any colour blindness. Also makes seeing bullet holes easier.
X ring- 2mm
10 ring - 14mm
9 ring - 28mm
8 ring - 42mm
7 ring - 56mm
6 ring - 70mm
5 ring - 84mm
4 ring - 98mm
Box is 110mm
I’m not sure how making things harder is good for the future of the sport.
You might think the target is easy and want to make it harder, but the new shooters will find it very hard and likely give up before they even get started.
The CF dropped the light rifle in favour of the LV to make things easier for the old guy’s who couldn’t use the 6x scope and didn’t want to build a light rifle.
If I understand correctly you want to change rf and not change cf .
For new shooters with hunting type rifles, look at the US UBR target and rules.. The X dot for 30 cal is smaller and for 223 its a bit bigger to even things up
2 comments from me buddy.
1. Too many classes makes life and costs, travelling etc too hard
2. The name is terrible, never liked it since it was changed. Think of a simple name for what we do. It would be easier to decidee the comps/class if they called SCORE and the other style SSAA shoot GROUPS .
Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"
Smaller dot for 30 cal makes perfect sense.