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Max's niece, Kerrie who has been integral in assisting Max with his general well being over a number of years has confirmed that he passed away this morning in Crookwell hospital. Max has been an ornament and a leading light in SSAA circles especially within the Benchrest circle and in the last few years in Fly.
At this point of time there are no details and when to hand will advise.
My recollections of Max and his exploits are best read in the SSAA Hall of Fame BIOs and the tribute to Max in the Genral section of BB.
We are dimished and rest in peace old friend
Ann Brummell BR HOF #8

LJ Fraser
condolences to Max' family and friends

Such sad new Max was an incredible part of Bench rest shooting, a character a friend a fellow shooter. All those who knew Max had there life enriched with a smiling gentleman. RIP Max.....

robbycar's picture
We have lost another good one

So sorry to learn of Max's passing.

He did so much for benchrest over the years, and I never once heard him complain about anything in the 45+ years I knew him.


BB Administrator

Max Coady

I'm so sorry to read about the passing of Max Coady. I have very fond memories of this beautiful soul. Condolences to his family.

Maureen Edwards

Brendan's picture
I had spoken to Max on the

I had spoken to Max on the phone a few days before he passed, and he did not sound good - the bad news when it came hit me hard, but was not unexpected.

I met Max way back around 1976 I think and over the years we became good friends. Many a good red was drunk and many of the World's problems were solved either at a range somewhere or at his home in Crookwell. I well remember Max and Alan Peake arguing vigorously at Stuart Elliott's house over all sorts of things but were still mates just the same.
Max did enjoy a good argument. I remember standing in the snow outside his house in July and asking why anyone would want to live there in those temperatures.
We have lost a true treasure of the benchrest community - gone maybe too soon even at 86 years.
RIP old mate, gone to quieter ranges.

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Very sad news

Never heard a bad word about Max and also had the pleasure of spending many hours in the scoring room with him.

More laughs than tears and I am grateful to have known him.

Rest in Peace Max, you will be missed

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

robbycar's picture
Max funeral details

I just received a phone call from Ann Brummell with all the details:

Thursday 7th March, 11am
Graveside service at Crookwell cemetary
Afterwards there will be a wake at Crookwell bowling club where mourners are welcome to offer reflections of Max's life.

BB Administrator

BRT's picture
Very sad news. We all knew

Very sad news. We all knew the day would come. Kerrie called Annie to let us know. Thanks for the funeral details Rob as we did not know that. Annie and I will be there.


Annie & Stuart Elliott

Brendan's picture
Unfortunately due to medical

Unfortunately due to medical appointments I will not be able to attend Max's funeral.
I will no doubt raise a glass to my old mate - he will not be forgotten.
They say these things come in three's - first it was Steve, then Tom and now Max.
We are truly diminished.

robbycar's picture
Goodbye Max

I have just heard the sad news of the passing of one of Benchrest's icons Max Coady.

Max was truly revered amongst all SSAA comp shooters and a really nice man with a really good heart as well !

One priceless quality Max possessed was he was a truly inspirational figure amongst all members who must have observed the huge input he gave to all SSAA shooting sports he was involved with and he did inspire many members to seek to improve and to enjoy their sport.

I remember well in 2010 when after a 15 year long absence from BR, due to medical issues, I returned to competitive BR in Belmont Qld. (Aussie Rimfire HB Group Titles) and Max was the very first to congratulate me .... That was the type of really great guy Max was. He then later gave me some inspirational advise suggesting I should aspire to rep "OZ" at world championships in Rimfire if the occasion arose which I did in 2014 in France.

Max also inspired many other developing shooters over his lifetime ...
Max will truly be remember as a Benchrest and SSAA Icon and will be sadly missed ... RIP .

John Radford HOF 15

BB Administrator

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