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WBSF competition Spain 2024

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Danae Jenkins
Danae Jenkins's picture
WBSF competition Spain 2024

SSAA has announced the team to compete at the World Benchrest Shooting Federation competition in Valencia Spain from 8 to 14 September 2024. The team participating in this World Rimfire Championship will be:
Clinton Sondergeld
Paul Sullivan
Bill Simmons
Brett Wilson
Richard Lightfoot
Greg Roulston
Stefan Smith
Andrew Faber
Rob Robertson
Reserve - David Jenkins

I am honoured to have been asked to fulfill the roles of Team Captain, Delegate and technical meeting delegate. I know the team is well into preparations for the campaign and that you will join me in wishing them all the best success in their shooting as well as for having fun and making friends from around the world. I will post regularly to keep followers up to date with the progress of the team.

Danae Jenkins

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Best of luck Team Oz

And congratulations Danae, lead strong and by example if that fails slap them into line.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

Danae Jenkins
Danae Jenkins's picture
WBSF Spain team changes

Clinton Sondergeld and Bill Simmons have withdrawn from the team, so the line-up now looks as follows:
A - Paul Sullivan, Brett Wilson & Richard Lightfoot
B - Greg Roulston, Andrew Faber & Rob Robertson
C - David Jenkins, Stefan Smith & Roxanne Smith and Glen Seaman Reserve

Welcome Roxanne & Glen to the team and great to have a woman join the Australian contingent.

Danae Jenkins

Danae Jenkins
Danae Jenkins's picture
WBSF Spain team changes

I am pleased to advise that Wendy Conroy has accepted the position of reserve for the teams following the withdrawal of Paul Sullivan. The teams now consist of the following:

A Team Brett Wilson
Richard Lightfoot
Greg Roulston

B Team Andrew Faber
Rob Robertson
David Jenkins

C Team Stefan Smith
Roxanne Smith
Glen Seaman

Reserve Wendy Conroy

Preparations are now well underway with only 9 weeks to the start of the competition.

Danae Jenkins

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Thanks for updating us Danae

Still a strong team with a blend of experience and some new shooters that is also good to see as they will bring some enthusiasm in to the mix.

Good luck to you all and most of all enjoy the journey whilst representing your country...

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

Danae Jenkins
Danae Jenkins's picture
WBSF Spain team preparations

The team members are in full swing with preparations for the competition. Plenty of practice, ammunition permitting and with less than 3 months to go the anticipation builds. Great news from the IRB rimfire nationals in May at Coffs Harbour with the team reserve Glen Seaman taking out the shield. Congratulations Glen, well done.

Danae Jenkins

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